Best of 2016 - Brad Argent, DNA and Identity
Brad Argent (Ancestry) gave a talk in October at the Central Library on DNA. The talk came after the Family History Expo in Auckland, and was focused on the science of identity. As Brad said, DNA testing is no longer "just" a tool to help you work out your family history. It is so much more than that and it brings with it potential issues. He posed some thought-provoking questions: Does the absence of something in you change who you are, and how you see yourself? For example, if you grew up in a Māori community, and saw yourself as Māori, then get a genetic result back that says you're not Māori... do you stop being Māori overnight? He talked about the memetic self - that is, the part of you made up of those "things" passed down to you through your culture, your family, and the family stories. What, he asked, happens when you've grown up hearing stories but learn you are not biologically connected to them? Do they just go away? Likewise, if you lear...