Virtual village

In May 2012 the work of students from Bruce McLaren Intermediate School brought local life to the walls of the West Auckland Research Centre through the 'It takes a village: photo voice' exhibition (see post on 25 May 2012 if you want to read more about the exhibition).

Today it is back in a new form as a virtual experience of the original physical exhibition. This gives it the potential for reaching a regional, national and even international audience!

Ref: Home page, It takes a village website, West Auckland Research Centre
Village residents and students are pleased that then are now able to send friends and family a link to the exhibition which highlights the work of the students.

Ref: Vision Waitakere Gardens, It takes a village website, West Auckland Research Centre
Each village link includes stunning portraits and narratives reflections of the conversations captured between students and older residents. Read more about the project. 

Ref: Wilsher Village, It takes a village website, West Auckland Research Centre 
There is already a link in place from the Chinese Digital Community website and in the future there are plans to add oral history sound extracts from interviews with the Chinese residents of Wilsher Village.

West Auckland Research Centre is pleased to hold this contemporary documentary collection of photos and narratives.

 Author: Sue Berman, West Auckland Research Centre
