Evolving Auckland

Many maps and plans of Central Auckland have been drawn and published since the 1840s. The first and most well-known was drawn by Surveyor-General, Felton Mathew , for Governor Hobson and published in 1841. Mathew’s design was best known as ‘the cobweb plan’ because it envisaged a circular Trafalgar Circus (where the university is today) with radiating quadrants and a crescent connecting with Upper Queen Street. Mathew’s plan was thought impractical by many influential settlers so was eventually shelved. The only echo of Mathew’s plan that survives today is Waterloo Quadrant (originally to have been named London Quadrant – but now not even actually a quadrant) and which runs between Old Government House and the High Court. Felton Mathew. Original Plan of Auckland . 1841. Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, NZ Map 2664. One hundred years later a town planning model was created of the Auckland CBD, probably from an aerial photograph taken in 1939. ...