Kura Heritage Collections Online is live!

Auckland Libraries is proud to share our new heritage discovery tool: Kura Heritage Collections Online . Kura is the new home for our images, audio, collection records and indexes, providing free and easy access to our world-renowned heritage collections. Right now Kura contains over 650,000 records, and will grow over the next year as more records and digitised collections are migrated to the new platform. Kura has been designed for both casual browsers and researchers. You can use an advanced search or simply browse our diverse photographic collections, with an improved image viewer, image download, and share options making it much easier to see what your neighbourhood looked like in past decades. Image: Ferries and excursioners at Takapuna wharf , 1890s. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections, T5454 . The photographic collections already on Kura include historic images of the North Shore, West Auckland, and the significant documentary heritage of the South formerly...