Doctor’s Houses, 25-29 Symonds Street, Auckland Central

It’s Auckland Heritage Festival from 26 September to 11 October 2020. During the Festival we will share some hidden histories about Auckland places written by Auckland Council Heritage Unit staff. Marguerite Hill is the Heritage Researcher in council’s Heritage Unit and has an interest in health history. There are about 2500 places in the Auckland region which are scheduled as historic heritage places. Quite a few of these places are associated with medicine and health and several of those places are on Symonds Street. Symonds Street was a popular spot with medical practitioners due to its proximity to Auckland Hospital. You might walk past this building every morning or pop in there for your lunch, but did you know the history of the Doctors’ Houses at 25-29 Symonds Street? Image: Marguerite Hill. Doctor’s Houses, 25-29 Symonds Street, 2019. Auckland Council Heritage Unit. These Neo-Jacobean terrace houses were built for John and Ellen Endean in about 1897. The architect and builder a...