Rachael Naomi’s visual poetry exhibition Unity

Rachael Naomi’s exhibition Unity has opened in the Angela Morton Room. Rachael creates mesmerising combinations of poetry and images in works that need to be both seen and read. In some works, the lines of poetry are arranged in a way that transforms them into a picture; the text thus functions as a work of art and as a literary work, creating a unique intensity for viewers/readers. In other works, Rachael integrates poems and gouache imagery in what she also describes as painted poems or written paintings. Rachael Naomi. After Picasso's The Dream. Rachael will be hosting a poetry evening in the Angela Morton Room Te Pātaka Toi Art Library, Level 1, Takapuna Library, on Wednesday 17 February. All are welcome to attend this free event. Light refreshments served at 6.00 pm, readings from 6.30 – 7.30 pm. Please RSVP @angelamorton.room on Instagram or email angelamorton.room@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz. In the following artist statement Rachael discusses her exhibition Unity, and her love...