
Showing posts from May, 2024

Merrilands Garden Suburb

We have to announce that the Merrilands Garden Suburb, Auckland’s most glorious heritage, situated on the green, grassy slopes of One Tree Hill is at last thrown open to the public and the choice of this, the finest and largest subdivision, ever offered in Auckland is now to be yours.” (Advertisement, Auckland Star, 7 December 1923) Merrilands! It was the name given to a 500-section subdivision on the slopes of Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill, that ran down towards Mt Smart Road, and was promoted by its developers as a Garden Suburb. With visions of green spaces and healthy living it would have tapped into the awareness of overcrowding and unsatisfactory housing conditions that were ripe not only in Auckland but in other parts of the country, too.  Image: Backyard of the same houses at the head of Blind Lane, Wellington, Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections NZG-19110719-0021-02 In the 1920s, Merrilands wasn’t the only new subdivision to be promoted as a garden suburb. In 1922 advertiseme

‘How to Enjoy Perfect Health:’ The Roots of Intermittent Fasting

One diet trend that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years is Intermittent Fasting .  Unsurprisingly, given the diet trend’s name, Intermittent Fasting, or Time Restricted Eating as it is also known, requires adherents to eat within a specific window during the day. Usually, this means following a 16:8 pattern, where an individual fasts for 16 hours and eats only within an eight-hour window. Others follow a 5:2 pattern, where one eats as they normally would for five days of the week, and restricts their intake significantly on the other two days.  Naysayers might say intermittent fasting is simply a fancy term for intentionally skipping breakfast. But advocates of intermittent fasting in today’s wellness and fitness communities say that it is a therapeutic tool that activates your body’s ability to ' reverse your age and prevent disease .' Fasting has a long history, with roots in various cultures and religious traditions. In religious contexts, fasting holds signific

Auckland Library Heritage Trust John Stacpoole Scholarships 2024

The Auckland Library Heritage Trust is a charitable trust that supports Auckland Libraries and Auckland Council to preserve, care for, add to, and promote Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections for the benefit of the people of Auckland. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections is one of New Zealand's key research destinations. It was originally established when Sir George Grey, a 19th-century Governor of New Zealand and later Premier, gifted his significant collection to the city of Auckland in the 1880s and has continued to grow since this time. The collections include photographs, maps, oral histories, manuscripts and archives, rare books and medieval manuscripts, ephemera and music; as well as Māori and Pacific heritage collections in all formats.  The Heritage Collections are held principally at the Central City Library.  Online access is provided through our collections website Kura Heritage Collections Online , the Auckland Libraries Catalogue , and Digital NZ .  Image: A bir