
Showing posts with the label William Wordsworth

Wordsworth gift

In recent years Auckland bibliophile and historian John Webster has been a generous donor to Sir George Grey Special Collections . Among the items he has gifted to the library is an 1845 edition of 'The poems of William Wordsworth '. The book is in superb condition for its age, but what makes it of particular interest is the hand-written inscription on the second leaf, which reads: “Anna Hosykns from William Wordsworth, Westminster Cloisters, 15th April 1847.” Ref: Second leaf inscription from 'William Wordsworth, 'The poetical works...'  London: Edward Moxon, 1845.' Sir George Grey Special Collections. The writing matches other surviving examples from the poet’s pen. Biographies and Wordsworth’s published letters verify that he was acquainted with Anna Hoskyns. Anna’s maiden name was Ricketts. Born in 1814, she belonged to a family that became part of Wordsworth’s circle in the late 1830s. She was among the group of friends that accompanied the po...