Auckland Libraries’ research services during Alert Level 2

We are excited to be able to reopen Auckland Libraries' research spaces to customers at Alert Level 2. But we are not quite back to business as usual yet. Making sure customers and staff are safe is important to us. We have temporary measures in place including limits on the number of people who are allowed into our libraries, limits on time spent inside and sign-in for contact tracing. You may also see our staff wearing masks, and we ask that if you are feeling unwell that you don’t come into the library. Due to physical distancing requirements we cannot currently offer lengthy one-to-one research assistance but there is a lot we can do to help you find the information you need. Image: National Publicity Studios. Students at Auckland Central City Library, 1959. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections, 895-A59647. What can you do from home? We have a handy guide for researching your family history from home and you will find additional guides to help you get starte...