Voyaging through time: an incomplete history of the replica ship 'City of Auckland'

“Things—beautiful or simply practical, expensive or everyday, fragile museum objects or robust items that have withstood years of use—things”, write the editors of 'The Lives of Colonial Objects' , “invite us into the past through their tangible, tactile and immediate presence”. Things can be fascinating not only for what they tell us about their own historical times, but also for how their ‘past-ness’ makes them objects of special value even when their origins are lost. It is no profound observation to remark how not everything from the past survives, but this means an old thing can be interesting because it survives at all. And sometimes the afterlives of these historical objects become a fascinating subject all their own, gaining new meaning by becoming old things. An historical “thing” happens to share space in the Central City Library amidst our shelves of books and records. On top of an index card cabinet in Research Central, inside a glass case, sits an ornament both pec...